All the children we work with are disadvantaged and this can have a profound effect on their education. Poor literacy means children lack confidence and then disengage with school. Ultimately, as choices and opportunities disappear, they are less likely to go on to work and are more likely to turn to crime.
Children may be disadvantaged for different, often, complex reasons. It could be because they have a difficult home life or have parents who struggle with their own literacy or they may have special education needs. Some have additional barriers to learning such as social and emotional needs, anxiety, autism or behavioural issues.
In the most recent year, of the children we support:
52% speak English as an additional language (EAL)
25% are on the Special Educational Needs register
54% are eligible for pupil premium funding
14% are on the eligible for pupil premium and on the Special Educational Needs register
Many of these children can be hard to reach so our tutors work closely with the school to build a comprehensive picture of a referred child’s specific learning needs and their background context.
Tutors use both their professional and personal skills to engage, motivate and inspire, encouraging better learning, broadening horizons and improving life chances.