• The ultimate aim of Our Literacy Lab programme is that children can return quickly to Quality First Teaching where they can fully access all aspects of the Literacy curriculum.
  • Our multi-sensory sessions are tailored to meet the needs of the individual children, based on detailed assessments, with a focus on phonics, the application of phonics to reading and writing, reading fluency and comprehension. 
  • We support those children who are below age-related expectation and those who are working towards, ensuring that sessions are designed to consolidate classroom learning.
  • The programme aims to complement a school’s chosen SSP programme and supports children in Year One and Year Two who require targeted phonics support in order to reach the expected standard. 
  • Our highly trained tutors use adaptive strategies if a child is struggling with phonics in order to ensure that the sessions support the needs of the learners in order to progress. 
  • Every session will provide an opportunity to build reading fluency and develop confidence. 
  • Our Literacy Labs are a safe space where children enjoy learning, grow in confidence and develop those essential Literacy skills upon which they can build in the classroom.
  • We want children to experience the joy that can come from reading, whether it’s being swept up in a story or marvelling over mind-boggling facts. 
  • To support the development of the imagination and promote reading for pleasure, our tutors use high quality picture books which are linked to thinking and writing tasks.  At the end of the session, children can choose a book to share.
  • The programme runs to a full academic year and the child is supported until they close their literacy gap or make significant progress (to within six months of their peers)
  • The majority of children graduate within two to three terms
  • After one month of our expert tuition, children on average make 4-5 months progress
  • Parents / carers are invited to an introductory workshop to find out more about the Literacy Lab programme and how they can support their child at home.
  • Parents will be informed about their child’s progress and achievements throughout the year.