“The sound knowledge of literacy and strategies to support children who are below age-related expectations makes the (CLC) intervention successful. Children make good progress and this continues after they have graduated from the Literacy Lab.”
Claire Moses, Inclusion Manager at St Mark’s C of E Primary School in Lambeth

Why work with the Children’s Literacy Charity?
- Now more than ever disadvantaged children need additional help to make up for lost learning
- We focus on those children who are the furthest behind as they are the ones who benefit the most from our specialist support
- We are not just a reading charity: our intervention has evolved over many years and our specialist tutors cover all the important literacy skills
- Sheffield University has rated us as a ‘gold standard’ literacy intervention and we continue to seek out and deliver the most effective ways to close the literacy gap for children who are not able to reach national expectations
- Our programmes reflect the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study for English and are designed to complement all validated Structured Synthetic Phonics Programmes (SSPs)
- Of equal importance to us is our focus on creating a safe space for children in which to build confidence, self esteem and resilience
- Schools who invest in one of our Literacy or Reading Labs welcome the addition of skilled, well trained tutors, employed and independently managed by the charity but able to work seamlessly within the school, supported by our own well established quality assurance and safeguarding policies and procedures
- As a high quality intervention we do not compromise on either the quality of the tutors we employ nor the resources that we use to support sessions
- Schools who work with us consistently praise the high quality, effectiveness and value for money of our delivery